Ch. Milescross Elandan Rhapsody, JC
Ch. Milescross Elandan Rhapsody, JC - "Jasmine"
(Ch. Starline's Reign On JC, ROMX X Locar's Creme De Cocao, JC)
6/21/1995 -2/5/2011
Breeders: Guin & Christine Borstel & Dan & Leslie Silva
Owners: Ed & Mary Jean Odron
Jasmine was the first champion from the Reign X Julia collaboration. She is very "Reign-y" in her look. Jazz was snapped up as a precocious eight-week old puppy by Ed & Mary Jean and has happily kept order at Majeod ever since. She was always the overacheiver in her litter; first to be pointed, first major, first BOB - all three of those on the same day. :) Jasmine easily finished her show title, with many nice wins along the way, either handled by Mary Jean or Dan, and on one notable occasion where she won the breed, by Leslie.
(Ch. Starline's Reign On JC, ROMX X Locar's Creme De Cocao, JC)
6/21/1995 -2/5/2011
Breeders: Guin & Christine Borstel & Dan & Leslie Silva
Owners: Ed & Mary Jean Odron
Jasmine was the first champion from the Reign X Julia collaboration. She is very "Reign-y" in her look. Jazz was snapped up as a precocious eight-week old puppy by Ed & Mary Jean and has happily kept order at Majeod ever since. She was always the overacheiver in her litter; first to be pointed, first major, first BOB - all three of those on the same day. :) Jasmine easily finished her show title, with many nice wins along the way, either handled by Mary Jean or Dan, and on one notable occasion where she won the breed, by Leslie.
Jazz enjoyed a long, healthy, and happy retirement with the Odrons. She loved raising the whippet puppies who come to live in her house, and her "gotta give ears" tutelage contributed the showiness of the many famous whippets she raised at Majeod. Jazz ate like a racehorse, was never sick a day in her life, and was pretty much practically perfect in every way - except when she masterminded the "Great Christmas Cookie Stealing Caper of 2001". Jasmine passed away at fifteen and half years young, after a good meal, a good walk, and a lifetime of good times. Thank you to Ed & MJ for giving her the life she deserved - Jazz was a true matriach, evne though she never had a litter!